25 Questions to Ask Your Partner

Whether you’re in a newer relationship, or have been with your partner for many years, there’s always opportunity to reconnect in new ways. Try out this list of questions the next time you and your partner are looking to reconnect more deeply.

Reminiscing & Rekindling:

  1. What's a funny memory from the early days of our relationship that makes you smile?

  2. What is something you admired about me when we first met that you still find attractive?

  3. Is there a place we used to frequent together that we haven't been to in a while? When should we go again?

  4. What's a tradition we used to have that you'd like to bring back?

  5. Pick a song that reminds you of us and tell me why.

Rediscovering Each Other:

  1. What are you currently passionate about outside of our relationship?

  2. Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests lately that I don’t know about?

  3. What's a book or movie you've recently experienced that you think I'd enjoy?

  4. When have you felt most supported by me? When do you feel safest in this relationship?

  5. What's something surprising you've learned about yourself recently?

Deepening Your Connection:

  1. What are you most excited about in the near future?

  2. How has your perspective on life changed since we met?

  3. What are you most grateful for in our relationship?

  4. Who are the most important people in your life?

  5. What new habit or tradition would you like us to start?

Planning for the Future:

  1. What's a weekend getaway you've been dreaming of that we could plan together?

  2. Are there any new experiences you'd like to try together as a couple?

  3. What anxieties do you have about our future that you want to talk about?

  4. Have your goals or dreams for the future shifted at all? Let's chat about them.

  5. Imagine our ideal night in together. What would it look like?

Supporting Each Other:

  1. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, what do you need most from me in terms of support?

  2. Is there a way that I show affection that makes you feel especially cared for?

  3. Looking back on past relationships, what types of scenarios made you feel least secure?

  4. What does your inner critic voice most often say about you? 

  5. Do you ever feel like you want more or less space from me?

These questions are designed to spark conversation, and explore new facets of your partner, and understand how you both like to be supported. It’s most important that both feel safe and supported in expressing yourselves honestly.


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