50 Questions To Get To Know Yourself Better

  1. What are my strongest character traits?

  2. What do people say makes me me?

  3. What short term seemingly small goal do I have? 

  4. What long term seemingly insurmountable goal do I have?

  5. What's my ideal vacation?

  6. Who are the people who matter most to me? 

  7. Who do I go to for comfort? 

  8. Who comes to me for comfort?

  9. How do I best comfort others?

  10. How do I comfort myself? 

  11. Where do I feel most at home?

  12. What's my role in my family of origin?

  13. What is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me?

  14. What do I like to do for fun?

  15. What activity am I surprised that I've never tried?

  16. What worries me most right now?

  17. What worried me most a year ago today?

  18. What would 10-year-old me say about me right now? 

  19. What would I say to 10-year-old me?

  20. What do I want 70-year-old me to be able to say about me right now?

  21. What would I say to 70-year-old me?

  22. What are my values? 

  23. What do I believe in? 

  24. If I could have one wish, it would be ___________.

  25. How would I spend the money if I won the lottery?

  26. Where do I feel safest?

  27. If I knew I couldn't fail, I would ___________.

  28. What is my proudest accomplishment?

  29. What is my biggest failure?

  30. Am I a night owl or an early bird?

  31. What do I like about my job? 

  32. What do I dislike about my job?

  33. What was the best part of my day today?

  34. What was the worst part of my day today?

  35. How do I criticize myself most?

  36. How would I describe yourself without mentioning my resume?

  37. What's my earliest memory?

  38. What was the last dream I had?

  39. What's my ideal morning routine?

  40. What's my ideal evening routine?

  41. What’s my love language?

  42. What movie could I recite word for word?

  43. What album feels the most like my life?

  44. I know I'm angry when ______.

  45. I know I'm afraid when ______.

  46. What do I do to show myself self-care?

  47. Am I an introvert or an extrovert? 

  48. What am I passionate about?

  49. What is my happiest memory?

  50. What am I grateful for?


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